It's all about connecting the dots

个人日志 第4页


Interesting and Boring

I even find walking an interesting thing. Of course, I mean walking with myself. If there is another person walking together, and if silence is impolite due to disacquaintance, meaning that I should do some talking other than only walking, then walking of this kind is boring for boring person like me. However, if there are more than two persons in total, e.g. 3 persons, then I can keep silent or talk when I want to talk, resulting in everything comfortable.


One More Girl, One More Failure

Firstly, after I became her wechat friend, I found I was shielded from her wechat moment. My friends told me that if a girl shield you from her wechat moment, she may at first lack some sense with you. So for me, a talking-less man, it's better to stop wasting time on her. You know, if you want to play with small probability, you will likely to feel tired, and this feeling is in most case meaningless. The girl you doesn't need to pursuit is the right girl you should pursuit. And the girl you should pursuit is likely to be the wrong girl that you should not pursuit.


Blind Date

Here comes a girl named Shuangshuang O(∩_∩)O. We knew each other with the help of a matchmaker. Our first date was arranged in Shuangshuang's home. She was not as tall and as beautiful as the schoolmate of my little sister, but the feeling with her was so good! She is 1.61 m high, and also very beautiful. We both worked in Shanghai City for the time being. I had gone to Shuangshuang's home for twice, and it seemed that Shuangshuang's parents liked me in generally. The second time I went to Shuangshuang's home, while drinking with her father, I happened to see Shuangshuang pouting her lips coquettishly to her mother, seeing which I felt my heart thawed out.


My purpose

What's the meaning of life? Are we here for a reason? As time goes by, I become better and better in most aspects, but I still, however, can't find the purpose of my life. I had walked through many roads, to the ends of them, and then turn to other roads, road by road. Some roads are long, but most are quite short. Even for those long roads, it won't be too hard to get general profiles of them. But the journey of one's life is full of unknown which makes it almost impossible to make sense out of all the things we had seen. Are there any points to the journey of mine?


Someone still remember you

昨天,前公司的一個部門(不是我曾經任職的部門)的領導在QQ上問我現在在哪裡,我說我現在在上海寫代碼,已經不在藥企工作了。他說他現在已經離開總部到安徽做質量相關的工作,那邊現在需要開始組建藥品註冊部門,問我是否感興趣。 意外是肯定有的,因為我明白自己其實一點也不厲害,近兩年的國外藥品註冊經驗其實在這個圈子裡來說是非常短的,能積累到的經驗非常有限。當然,我以前還在前公司任職的時候也有段時間感覺自己還蠻屌的,後來想想其實也只是因為領導們提供的平台好,並非我真的有什麼比較厲害的地方。所以後面轉行做前端開發也有一部分原因是想去get到一些對平台依賴性不那麼大的技能。


Cost of Time

电纸书设备相对于纸质书的特点就是便于携带,方便随时使用,需要等待的时候,随手就可以拿出来看。我自己用的是Kindle Paperwhite和Kindle DXG。 上海通勤高峰的地铁实在太挤了,看Kindle DXG不太现实,所以我上下班都是用Kindle Paperwhite的。而且Kindle Paperwhite是触屏设备,查词体验要比Kindle DXG好太多,能在Kindle Paperwhite上看的英文书,我也基本会优先考虑在Kindle Paperwhite上看。 周末的时候,因为在家,所以可以用Kindle DXG,这个毕竟屏幕大,一目了然的阅读体验也是小屏幕的Kindle Paperwhite不具备的。而且一直用Kindle Paperwhite也会审美疲劳,需要切换下阅读设备来保持阅读的新鲜感。



感觉毕业后的这几年过得太安逸了。突然想起以前在学校的时候有时候会搞个什么时间表,虽然都是坚持不了多久就抛到九霄云外去了,但是最初的一段时间人还是能跟打了鸡血一样振奋几天,这就够了。现在再来写个时间表,顺便做点计划。 工作日时间表: 6:00...












