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JavaScript 阅读(3090)去评论赞(1)

MAC Pro下使用IntelliJ IDEA创建maven spring mvc项目

为了接下来能比较容易上手后端项目,结合目前所做项目的后端开发们使用的是spring mvc而非spring boot。决定先把基本的java开发环境配置好,先跑一个本地服务能看到页面再说。我是按着http://www.cnblogs.com/Sinte-Beuve/p/5730553.html这篇文章的教程来的,所以内容大体一致,再写一遍主要是为了加深自己的印象。 最最基础的,你需要先装好java、maven和tomcat(tomcat选装,如果用jetty等其他web容器,就用不到tomcat了,不过tomcat还是用的最广泛的,出于学习的目的,还是装下比较好),这部分内容之前有写过文章《Macbook Pro安装Maven 3 》。然后开始下面的流程:

Java 阅读(4358)去评论赞(0)

Macbook Pro安装Maven 3


Java 阅读(2784)去评论赞(0)



JavaScript 阅读(3334)去评论赞(0)


Recently, I encountered a bug: my frontend project can work normally in WeChat mobile clients but when visited in WeChat PC client for window OS, the page turned out be be blank -_-. After some attempts, I found that it's due to the unavailability of Object.assign method in WeChat PC client for window OS. Therefore, we need to write polyfill for Object.assign method. There is not need to think how to write this polyfill ourselves. Just copy from MDN ^_^.


This is not a new function supported by OSChina, but I'm just aware of that yesterday. Long time ago, I had once made a choice whether to use github or OSChina to be the repository storing my public code, and I finally use github later due to the fact that I found OSChina seems to have to function like github Pages. You know, as I front end developer, it's import to show not both your code but also its visual display to others. Therefore, functions like github pages are very meaningful to me and it's also very convenient. Without functions like github pages, I will need to build my code and then use FTP/SFTP tools like FileZilla to upload my frontend static files to my server. If you change your code in high frequency, you will find this way quite time-wasting. Whereas if you use github pages, all you need to do after rebuild your code is type one line's command in your command line tools and press enter button ^_^.

未分类 阅读(4391)去评论赞(1)

Vuex Data Persistence数据持久化

In one of my frontend project using VueJS, there is a need to maintain run-time data in javascript to local hardware so that these data will not be lost in case of a page refreshing. This requirement can be saying in another way - data persistence is required. Since the diversity of frontend environment, there are many stuff can be employed to save your run-time data. For example, if you use react-native, you can use one of React Native's API called AsyncStorage; if you are written html webpage, the Html api sessionStorage, localStorage and cookie can all be employed. And today we are going to employ localStorage, we're going to talk about data persistence in webpage developed using VueJS.


