It's all about connecting the dots



一、建议少用指令 用Vue的指令(directive)写法确实是可以实现防止快速点击的作用。但是我们要知道,在一个Vue项目里,代码复用和抽象的主要形式应该是组件而不是指令。像这种防快速点击的需求,其实最好还是封装一个Vue组件,相应的节流...

JavaScript 阅读(2128)去评论赞(1)


可以看到这里import Vue from './runtime/index' 引入了一个Vue ,然后定义了下Vue.prototype.$mount 和Vue.compile ,看Vue源码之前最好是先过一下Vue的官方文档,这里Vue.prototype.$mount 是一个关在Vue原型链上的属性,所以通过new Vue() 创建的Vue的实例都会继承这个$mount 方法,在看这个方法的作用之前,因为看过了官方文档,并且我之前用了两年的Vue了,所以先猜测下这个大概跟Vue组件生命周期里的mounted 钩子可能有关系,可能是这个$mount 方法执行完后就会触发组件生命周期里的mounted 这个钩子里写的程序。

JavaScript 阅读(3532)去评论赞(7)


准备粗略地阅读下Vue,跟网上别人家的源码解读文章不同的是,这个系列是完全以第一次去读代码的视角带大家一起去读的,而非看完源码后以上帝的总结视角来写的系列文章。 要看我们就直接找比较新的版本看,fork vue代码到我们自己的仓库上,clo...

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JavaScript 阅读(8547)去评论赞(2)

Vuex Data Persistence数据持久化

In one of my frontend project using VueJS, there is a need to maintain run-time data in javascript to local hardware so that these data will not be lost in case of a page refreshing. This requirement can be saying in another way - data persistence is required. Since the diversity of frontend environment, there are many stuff can be employed to save your run-time data. For example, if you use react-native, you can use one of React Native's API called AsyncStorage; if you are written html webpage, the Html api sessionStorage, localStorage and cookie can all be employed. And today we are going to employ localStorage, we're going to talk about data persistence in webpage developed using VueJS.


说起来,从最初用客户端vue.js,到后面用vue-cli使用的Vue1 + webpack模版,再到后面使用Vue2+webpack,用这个框架做SPA应用也有一年半的时间了。做一些总结吧,想到哪里写哪里(针对Vue2 + webpack)。 一、页面按需加载 这主要是为了加快首屏加载速度。这样做的好处是第一屏所需加载的文件大小变小了,代价是如果用户会走完整个SPA的话,实际的总代码下载量是变多了的。按需加载页面主要就是修改/src/router/index.js文件,示例代码如下:

JavaScript 阅读(4601)评论(2)赞(0)

Vue-Router 2: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I was quickly establishing the basic structure of my new project at that time, and so there were many details I ignored. When I found the above error information, I was shocked. WTF is it? After some attempts, I found the problem is that there were some Vuejs component named "RouterView" which has inside them, and that was the cause. After I renamed their router component to names other than "RouterView", the above error information disappeared.


