It's all about connecting the dots


Vue-Router 2: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I was quickly establishing the basic structure of my new project at that time, and so there were many details I ignored. When I found the above error information, I was shocked. WTF is it? After some attempts, I found the problem is that there were some Vuejs component named "RouterView" which has inside them, and that was the cause. After I renamed their router component to names other than "RouterView", the above error information disappeared.

CET-4: Word List 21

counter:柜台;计数器;筹码; balcony:阳台;(电影院等的)楼厅、楼座; diplomatic:外交的、从事外交的;策略的、有手腕的; cigar:雪茄烟; bathe:给……洗澡;洗澡、游泳; conquer:征服、战胜;破除、克服; inflation:通货膨胀;(充气而引起的)膨胀;

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CET-4: Word List 20

discard:丢弃、抛弃、遗弃; garb:抓住、攫取;抓住(机会);夺(得);抓、夺; grab at:抓住;夺取; grab sb. by ...:抓住某人的……; deceive:欺骗、蒙蔽、行骗; senior:资格较老的、地位较高的;年长的;较年长者;(中学或大学的)毕业班学生; modest:谦虚的;适中的;羞怯的; continuous:连续不断的、延伸的; And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. 勤于学习的人才能乐于施教。

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CET-4: Word List 19

twist:使缠绕、使盘绕;转动、旋动;捻、搓;歪曲、曲解;扭歪、扭伤;曲折前进;转身;扭弯;转折、转变;弯曲、曲折处; range:一系列;幅度、范围;射程、距离;(山)脉;射击场;(在某范围内)变动;漫游、四处搜索;使排列成行; range over:论及、涉及; out of/beyond range:在射程外; range from ... to ...:从……到……的范围; niece:侄女、外甥女; protest:抗议、反对;申明;

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CET-4: Word List 18

bat:蝙蝠;球棒、球拍; triangle:三角(形); literary:文学(上)的;文人的、书卷气的; jail:监狱、看守所;监禁、拘留; design:设计;指定;设计、构想;图样;企图; script:剧本、广播稿;文字体系;笔迹、手迹; a film script:电影剧本; The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。

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CET-4: Word List 17

priest:神父、牧师; transparent:透明的;易识破的;明显地、清楚的; illegal:不合法的、非法的; fancy:想象力;设想;爱好;想要;想象、猜想;昂贵的、别致的; take a fancy to:喜欢上、爱上; fancy doing sth.:喜欢做某事; conscious:意识到的、自觉的;神志清醒的;有意的、存心的; transport:运输;运输、运输工具;

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CET-4: Word List 16

elementary:基本的、初级的; an elementary school:小学; towel:毛巾、手巾; opera:歌剧; digital:数码的、数字的;计数的; artistic:艺术的、艺术家的;富有艺术性的、精美的、精彩的; elderly:较老的、年长的;(the ~)到了晚年的人、较老的人; crack:裂缝、裂纹;破裂声;爆裂;噼啪地响;打、击; Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time; a man of talent tries to use it. 普通人只想到如何度过时间,有才能的人设法利用时间。

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