It's all about connecting the dots

2017年02月的文章 第3页

CET4: Word List 7

occasion:场合、时刻;重大(或特殊)活动;时机;起因;引起; on occasion(s):有时、间或; take occasion to:借机; determine:决定;查明;使下决心; advisable:明智的;可取的; be advisable to:明智的; permission:允许、许可、准许; written permission:书面许可证;

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CET-4: Word List 6

rally:集会、(群众)大会;公路汽车赛;集合;团结;恢复、重新振作; feather:羽毛、翎毛; characterize:成为……的特征、以……为特征;描绘(人或物)的特性、描述; explode:(使)爆炸;激增;发怒; aware:知道的、意识到的; be aware of:明白、知道; Man errs so long as he strives. 人只要奋斗就会犯错误。

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CET-4: Word List 5

industrialize:(使)工业化; fearful:害怕的、可怕的;不安的、忧虑的; intelligence:智力;理解力;情报; childhood:童年、幼年、早期; crush:压碎、碾碎;镇压; intention:意图、意向、目的; finding:发现;【常pl.】调查的结果;(陪审团的)裁决; A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有所追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

英语学习 阅读(1987)去评论赞(0)

CET-4: Word List 4

spit:吐唾沫、吐出;唾沫、唾液; mutual:相互的;共同的; dorm:宿舍; substantial:可观的、大量的;物质的;坚固的;实质的、真实的; meanwhile:与此同时; desire:渴望、要求;愿望、欲望; conviction:确信、坚定的信仰;说服、信服;定罪、判罪;

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CET-4: Word List 3

institute:研究所、学院;建立、设立; indispensable:必不可少的、必需的; scheme:计划、方案;阴谋;密谋;策划; scale:大小、规模;等级、级别;【pl.】天平、磅秤;比例(尺);刻度、标度;(鱼等的)鳞;攀登、爬越; scale down:按比例缩减; replace:代替、取代;更换、调换;把……放回原处; bark:(狗等)吠、叫;吠声、叫声;树皮; The dog always barks at strangers. 那条狗总是冲着陌生人叫。

英语学习 阅读(1989)去评论赞(0)

Keep Nodejs Program Running after Closing SSH

I happened to find that although my Nodejs program can run normally when I started it through SSH. If I close the SSH connection, then I can no longer visit corresponding frontend file through my browser. Oh my god, the program was closed automatically the time I closed the SSH connection. Here is the solution to the problem:

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Deploy Nodejs Project on CentOS

The server is php-and-mysql-available with the help of Webmin (a web-based unix system management tool). So there is no need for me to install mysql myself. What's more, I have already a nodejs program available to run in my laptop (window OS) and the Baidu BAE (unix OS). Due to preassembled php program, the 80 port is employed and the root path for front-end files under 80 port is located in /home/username/public_html. To avoid confusion between php projects and nodejs projects, I created a new folder named "node-server" under /home/orzzone/ path. In a conclusion, I uploaded my Nodejs project files to the path '/home/username/node-server'.

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