It's all about connecting the dots

Node 第2页

Deploy Nodejs Project on CentOS

The server is php-and-mysql-available with the help of Webmin (a web-based unix system management tool). So there is no need for me to install mysql myself. What's more, I have already a nodejs program available to run in my laptop (window OS) and the Baidu BAE (unix OS). Due to preassembled php program, the 80 port is employed and the root path for front-end files under 80 port is located in /home/username/public_html. To avoid confusion between php projects and nodejs projects, I created a new folder named "node-server" under /home/orzzone/ path. In a conclusion, I uploaded my Nodejs project files to the path '/home/username/node-server'.


Install Node.js

After you install Node.js by using an installer from the Node.js website. You'll see some executable files and the node_modules folder: node.exe: This file starts a Node.js JavaScript engine. If you pass in a JavaScript file location, Node.js executes that script. If no target avaScript file is specified, a script prompt allows you to execute JavaScript code directly from the console. npm.cmd: You use this command to manage the Node.js packages. node_modules: This folder contains the installed Node.js packages. These packages act as libraries that extend the capabilities of Node.js.



